The Abstracts of Volleyball

When I think of ideas for my art, I have a very hard time putting my thoughts into words, which is why I’ve grown to love photography. I can capture what I see in my mind and show what I can’t explain. Most of my work is considered somewhat abstract, and when looking through some of my older work I noticed that it became more abstract year after year. 

 I've been playing volleyball for about 10 years now so it's a large part of my life. I've never thought to combine my art with volleyball until prompted to by Johnny. I want to combine volleyball with my abstract ways and focus in on what goes unnoticed in the sport. My goal is to come up with a set of pictures that will make the viewer think about what they are looking at and hopefully come up with an idea about what it is. It may be the details of the equipment used or details of those using the equipment. I haven't decided whether or not I want all my pictures to be in color or black and white or a mix of both. I think I'll have to see how everything looks together once it all comes together to see what looks the most pleasing to the eye. You can never be sure that the final product will come out the way you want when starting projects like this, if all goes as planned I think I could have some very interesting content.


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